Saturday, August 9, 2008

Haven't Really Left, Now I'm Leaving

Looking back, the experience of leaving Malaysia again to the US now is far more emotional than it was the first time I sojourned. Though I've experienced it before, I realized that now it's even harder to leave home. The last time was easy -- much easier. I was a nobody, so saying goodbye was not that difficult but now, after really knowing people around me and allowing people to penetrate through me, it really changes the whole game.

Says a lot, doesn't it? (Ii Shan, why are your eyes closed!!??)

I never really left Malaysia last time. Now I'm really leaving. I really thank God that the 4 months that I was in US changed me and now I truly know how to appreciate Malaysia. Yeah, so to Adeni and my life group in US, thanks for praying for me.


Mission accomplished: I've grown closer to my home church and opened myself to love and to be loved.

Best Mamak experience this year!

To my brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ of SJGC, I LOVE Y'ALL!!!!


Yong-Sama said...

oo awesome, you added pictures XD

シーフアンリン said...

Yeah, aren't the pictures cute? ^_^

Ei Leen Lim said...

aiyaah.. didn't get to tell u a proper goodbye.. now ur halfway across the globe again..