Wednesday, December 31, 2008
More than anything else, I pray for a deeper desire to seek after the Lord. Reading Revelations, it's creepy to think what God would do to me (He'd spit me out!) if I did not give my all to Him.
So, this year, I continue to pray that God would preserve me, and keep me faithful to Him. Thank you Lord for being faithful to a wretched sinner like me!
God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping
God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
God in my hoping
There in my dreaming
God in my wathcing
God in my waiting
God in my laughing
There in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing
Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
You are everything
Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
Be my everything
You are everything
Jesus, Everything
Monday, December 29, 2008
A Time to Breathe
Friday, December 26, 2008
A Christmas Reminder
XXX, I'm not going to say that I know how or what you're feeling, or any that sort of nonsense. What I do know is that feelings tend to go up and down -- it's like a roller coaster. What I will also say is that these feelings are normal. In fact, at least for me, the shrills of going up, and then, descending down, is what makes life really exciting. If life is all about just the ups, I really wonder, could I truly appreaciate goodness in life? Perhaps, I might even end up a spoiled, complacent brat. So, without the gloominess of life, I don't think I would appreciate the good in life. Also, perhaps, I believe that if we can appreciate the good things in life here, it will definitely help us to appreacite them even more during the eternity to come!
Although the downs have been hurtful for me, still I try to thank God for each and every of these afflictions in my life. I believe that these pains in my life, although at times causes me to doubt in God, has made me grown as a person. I don't believe that God merely allow this things to happen in order that we might be disciplined, like a father disciplines his children (Hebrews 12), or that our faith is tested (i.e. Abraham). I also believe that He wants us to have a better picture of life, which is not lopsided. From what I can see in my own life, God has showed me that life is not one constantly filled with rainclouds, nor is it only filled with sunshiny blue skies.
However, it is always so easy to get carried away whenever we're faced with times of disappointment and negativity, in whole. Whenever that happens to me, I always thank God for friends, who are willing to give up themselves to drag me out of the murk. You've done that a couple of times -- and for that I thank God for you. In the end, when we've snapped out of it, we realize that our sadness, moodiness, and/or gloominess is really just temporary. It comes, and it goes. Sometimes, right after I snap out of my so-called "depression," I often realize that I've been selfish for feeling so. There's a million or so people out in the world who 'deserves' to feel this way, who yearns to feel this way, and yet they have to place these feelings aside to do, move, and work dictated by reality's cruelty, only to perhaps shed a single tear in the morning.
Anyway, I don't want to lecture you, XXX. As much as this is my thought to you, it is also my own thoughts to myself. I also trying to remind myself how good God has been to me. Well, before I end this, I'd like to share with you John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. I this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Well, I don't have much else to say. May we remember the goodness of the life God has given to us as we remember the birth of the Savior.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Kempen Tak Mau Lipas
Cheezy no? Well, that's what we three Malaysians have planned to do. Lipas is the codename for our "super kawaii" friend's ex-boyfriend. We've been counseling this friend of our's, whose ex dumped her to seek out other relationships. Undeniably true, love is blind. After a while, the lipas slyly flies back to the girl, tormenting her, like a cockroach crawling behind your back without your knowledge.
So, our goal is to keep our friend from making the same mistakes again. Time to bring in some heavy duty Ridsect to elliminate the lipas.
When A Thief Strikes
Searching high and wide for ブラック, or "Black," I slowly became manic when it could not be found. I kept telling myself that it must be somewhere -- just a matter of time till I find it. Yet, the more I kept staying in that mode, the more I became intoxicated with obsessive-compulsion. Couldn't find it anywhere, everywhere.
Thus, I kept heaping abuse at myself for my lack of careful attention for the precious things in life. But heaping burning coals on my head wasn't going to do anything. So, in the end, I tried going to sleep, as if my problems would disappear the next day. Predictably, I couldn't sleep. It was traumatic enough to know how careless I am, what more, I was bombarded with the prospect of studying without music. See, I just that kind of guy that can't study without music. With that in mind, I couldn't imagine college life without my mp3 player. It's a need, not a want.
Then, my arms curiously reached into the second pocket of my winter vest, hoping that my Dell thumbdrive would somehow be inside it. It wasn't. The thing with me is that I usually leave my iPod in the left pocket of the vest, while the thumbdrive inside the other. The fact that both devices seems to be missing coincidentally sounds suspicious altogether.
200 USD, the thought crops into my head. 200 Dollars. Fortunately, the thumbdrive is free and luckier still that I have already turned in my finals' paper, which file is within the device. Yet, despite all these, it still hurts to think about it. My privacy was violated, my things stolen, and my money wasted. What more, the thief could even plagarize my essay. Going to God in prayer, I poured out my feelings.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Times A-Changing
Then again, I guess I must be thankful for everything God has given to me. As time unfolds, His goodness becomes more apparent. A good example would be a friend, if not sister, of mine, Jazmin. I've only really gotten to know her this semester, and what's sad is that she will be transferring to another university next semester. Despite time being short, I am glad that God has given me the chance to get to know this awesome sister. Time may be short but the friendship established is more profound and deep than the time which couldn't afford it.
What more, it was a blessing to be able to experience the Hispanic culture through her. Over the thanksgiving break, three of us Malaysians -- Adrian, Elena and I -- went a-packing to a small town in southern Texas called Mission, where Jaz lives. We experienced a culture so different, and yet similar to what we often fail to describe as "Malaysian". There, we spent 5 days with her at her house. We have experienced what's quintessentially Hispanic, and yet, at the same time celebrate the epitome of most thing American, called "Thanksgiving".
I guess, even if it was a short trip overall, we had a blast there, not to mention shop like crazy during Black Friday, which was equivalent to the Mega Sales in Malaysia. Also, we had a chance to try out a dish that calls for chicken to be braised in a sauce made with chilies and chocolate.
As for Jaz, I guess I'll miss her sarcasm and her funny face. Yet, I believe that there is a reason for us to meet and know each other here in Abilene, and there's also a reason for her to transfer. I can only pray for her, and wish her all the best. What I've learned is that, as far as friendship goes, in most cases, good friends will always be remembered and cherished.
This brings me to another train of thought. To you, my friends in Malaysia, I miss y'all. There is not a day that goes by that I don't remember you by. And Justin, that includes you. WELCOME HOME!!! I'm looking forward to be able to see you again.
As for me, I'm gonna go back into studying for my finals. It's killing me each and every single day. No air to breathe, I tell ya. I stayed up two whole days (mind you, without sleep) last week trying to study for a sociology test. And this week, not much different, staying up another 2 days just to finish a 2500 word essay. Gila man! Oh well, with sleep depravation clinging onto me, I guess I should call it a day.
PS: I really can't wait to go home. I can't wait to see the new and taller Judson.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Kind of Stuffs I Make
Here's some of my attempt at making bento. I made some kimchi fried rice and some japchae. All I did is to put it into the appropriate container and, then, decorate it with some omelet. Notice the shape of the omelet. It doesn't look too good and I seem to have spelt my friend's name wrongly too. Bleh. At least the food tasted good.
Then, over the weekend, I made some pineapple tarts too. I wasn't sure if it would turn out the way it should, but it turned out so well that even people who hated pineapples couldn't resist eating it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I used to be really quiet and reserved before coming to the States. Then, I changed. Poof! I became talkative, open and “extroverted”. Over last semester, I became really different (not just the looks, if you’d noticed).
This semester, however, I’m learning to appreciate quiet times and privacy. Aren’t you tired of people telling you that if you’re not out with people, you don’t have a life? Honestly, I’m here to declare that that’s nothing but the LIE of the devil! I’ve found out that there’s time for everything: time to be alone, and time to be with others (Ecclesiastes 3).
Knowing that, and realizing that I’m changing, yet again, I’m beginning to feel really disillusioned with the megachurch I’m attending. I’m starting to question my original motives for even attending the church. Yesterday, while the people around bunched up to pray in groups, I left the prayer abruptly. The doubts surfaced during the middle of the college group prayer meeting, rendering me to desire to just sit down and just think. Why am I even here? Why do I feel like I’m worshipping people rather than God? Am I attending this church just to feel good about myself?
My struggles really reflect one of the Footstool Player’s bygone dramas. If I remembered correctly, it’s the one with Dorothy (now happily married to Desmond! Congrats again, Des!) taking orders at McChurch’s drive thru, or something. That’s what I feel about the church I’m going. It’s like going to a restaurant, happily munching with people, without a shred of awe for the God who was, is and is to come.
If the friends, music and theatrics of this church are causing me to fall into idolatry, then I’m leaving. Although I sound all gung-ho, I have to disclose that this is a big decision, one which makes me anxious and fearful. So, as I pray for discernment and wisdom from God, people, friends, please do pray for me too! Blessings.
Friday, November 7, 2008
It's Gonna Be Temporary
I've just got a year older a few days ago, and it was most profound that I was emo during that day. I was deeply incapacitated to do anything these past few days. All I did was to avoid people, place myself in the library -- laboriously studying -- and talk as little as I could. I became estranged from God. In America, with all sorts of concepts running around, it's really hard to know what's truth anymore. There's no truth, in essence. That's what I hear around. Everything is subjective.
There's extremes on both sides. Telling a conservative friend about my struggles would only warrant me a that's-the-devil's-voice-so-don't-listen-to-it explanation. Going to a "liberal" friend, I would only become even more confused, when she tells me that there's really no way to proof God's existence. So, all I did was to beat around the bush. No way out, trapped. I felt angry, frustrated. What the heck am I doing here? Who am I? What's the point of just praying, reading the Bible? If God's just so far away, why even bother trying to please Him? I felt redundant, so purposeless. I suck, everyone suck. Die and burn, world!
As soon as I got really depressed, life went on and I calmed down over a few days. I began to talk to people, go back to my regular jogging and live life as best as I could. In this renewed state, I was not only able to function normally, but I could actually begin sorting why I was even depressed in the first place. It's kinda like tired Elijah who ran away from God, even after witnessing God's miraculous feat. I ran away from God, possibly due to the state of tiredness -- not just physical tiredness, but spiritual and emotional tiredness. Worse, in this state, I was confronted with a volley of different views and opinions, which clouded everything. Once I confined myself to just thinking, I have already set myself within a dungeon. Kah Wan once told me that humans were not built to be just thinking machines, but also organisms capable of spirituality and emotions. Humans are also physical beings, as well.
Now that I have relocated myself in quiet of the wilderness, God's whisper-like voice seems to be clearer. I was just reading Bonhoeffer's book, Cost of Discipleship. There's a wonderful poem that just sums up what I felt over these past few days:
Who am I? They often tell me
I stepped from my cell’s confinement
Calmly, cheerfully, firmly,
Like a squire from his country-house.
Who am I? They often tell me
I used to speak to my warders
Freely and friendly and clearly,
As though it were mine to command.
Who am I? They also tell me
I bore the days of misfortune
Equally, smilingly, proudly,
Like one accustomed to win.
Am I then really all that which other men tell of?
Or am I only what I myself know of myself?
Restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage,
Struggling for breath, as though hands were
compressing my throat,
Yearning for colors, for flowers, for the voices of birds,
Thirsting for words of kindness, for neighborliness,
Tossing in expectation of great events,
Powerlessly trembling for friends at an infinite distance,
Weary and empty at praying, at thinking, at making,
Faint, and ready to say farewell to it all?
Who am I? This or the other?
Am I one person today and tomorrow another?
Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,
And before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling?
Or is something within me still like a beaten army,
Fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?
Who am I? They mock me, these lonely questions of mine.
Whoever I am, Thou knowest, 0 God, I am Thine!
Before reading this poem, a really good friend of mine, Caro, shared with me her testimony. She told me of how she was born a child to a single mother, whose husband left her for another woman. Caro, who's probably had worse miseries compared to me (or anyone else) had the say one night, when she told us that it's about a race. This race needs to be filled with prayers and with hope, because that will remind us just how temporary these feelings and doubts currently are, compared to the joy that we will ultimately have in the end.I may not understand everything, but that's not really important. I just thank God for provision, that I have whatever it takes to get me to the next day. In the end, everything we experience here, our pain, fears, and doubts are just gonna be temporary.
It's gonna be temporary.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Likes and Dislikes
1) Sipping a hot cuppa coffee in the morning.
2) Staring at the vapors that I breathe out when it's cold.
3) Reading the Bible and looking at God in a new, fresh way.
4) Killing enemy scums in Halo 3 with friends.
5) Inventing fusion dishes.
6) Sleeping till it's 3 pm in the afternoon.
7) Going out during the night for a good run around campus.
1) Drinking a cup of diluted coffee that won't wake me up in the morning.
2) Running in the cold, while my ears and face crinkles up, because I'm late to class.
3) Making God into religion and a set of rules of do-s and don't-s.
4) Having my hopes of having a 4-player co-op crushed when the controller from Walmart doesn't functions.
5) Nuclear explosion and diarrhea.
6) Waking up at 8 am every weekday for class.
7) Having a terrible run because of allergies.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Desert Wanderings
"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:14-16
I get so frustrated with myself from time-to-time. It's easy to put up a fake smile, and go around pretending that everything is fine when it is not. I hate to give people the false impression that I don't struggle with any issues. Man, if people can only see how rotten I am in the inside.
I want to continue to be fervent and on fire for God. But the sad fact is, I've always end up making God into a list of do-s and don't-s, and then realizing later, very much later, that all He wants is for me to rely on Him for all that I need.
A big struggle of mine is that, many times, I choose to just turn away from God whenever I realize that I can't do anything to get things right by myself. I mean, what's the point of doing what is right when I know in the future, I will inevitably have some pitfalls, whether I want it or not. Call it kiasu-ness or whatever! I just hate it when I fall. I want a clean slate now and never ever be black listed. What's the point of trying to keep a clean slate when I know I can never keep it clean all the time. (Notice the italics?)
And funny thing is, when I choose to flee from God, He always end up being at the end of when I don't expect Him to be.
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. (Psalm 139:7-8)
God, have mercy on me, a sinner!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Ajisai Asian Fashion Show
I went to Teague a little past 7 pm, which was the time when the show was about to start. I was mostly busy because of my rushed schedule of making 'siew mai' for the show as well as trying to dye my hair brown for my get-up. Thankfully, some of my trustworthy and dependable friends aided me as I attempted to get things ready for the show. *Wipe sweat off brow* Being the cook, food server and mascot is not easy.
By the time I got to Teague, the place was crowded with I-don't-know-how-many-people-but-it-was-too-numerous-to-count, Elena and I snaked through the line, cut across hundreds of people and reached our food-dispenser corner. There we just served food and perhaps give people a good impression of Asian fashion. And as y'all know, I was cosplaying. Unfortunately, my hair color didn't change. It must have been God's will for my hair to remain black for the whole of eternity.


Well, back to the food-talk... Uh, I have to agree that the free food was never enough and we weren't able to demonstrate any sort of Jesus-power that night. The food was actually good, but it was really cheezy, if you know what I mean (cough... crab... cough... rangoon... ahem).
The show, long as it was, was actually quite short. I regretted that I had brought my glasses over to the show. I struggled to squint my eyes as small as I could, and yet failed to see anything. Now I know how the blind man, who saw people who looked like trees after the first time Jesus healed him, in the book of Mark, felt. Fortunately, I had Elena as my commentator that night. Unfortunately for y'all, I can't say much of the show as I didn't really watched it, with my eyes half-closed (or half-open) and yet not really seeing anything.
After the show had ended, some of my friends and I went for a little photo shooting for fun. *For all the glamor that Aizen receives, I feel personally that he doesn't have many cool poses and thank God for Elena who contributed ideas to make all these super-uber poses possible*



Well, that's all for the fashion show, folks. Now, it's time for me to get back to bed and lament the fact that I caught the cold. Till next time. おならしてください。(Do translate the phrase)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ready, Set, Go!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The God Who Spoke
Shipped over a mosquito-ridden part of Texas called Brownwood, the first event that we had was a Friday night worship service, complete with the usual heart-thumping, repetitive lyrics-abusing music and an inspirational, if not charismatic sermon (and when I say "charismatic", think charismatic *wink, wink*). The service ended with an equally awkward "laying of hands" ritual where we went up to the life group leaders, as well as the preacher, "having them pray over us", as they said. Though I was reluctant, I went nonetheless. OK, the experience having to go through the narrow line of people lining my left and right, with their hands outstretch over my shoulders, arms and head, was WEIRD. Then, I listened to their prayers. "Lord, renew this man's walk with you", "Lord, melt the doubt that this man has", "Father, show this man how much you love him and how precious he is in your sight". . . I walked further through the passageway of people and then the preacher placed his palm all the way to my chest and prayed, "Lord, in Jesus' name, remove from this young man the coldness of his heart". I have not felt so convicted all my life. This are a bunch of people that I don't even know and they were praying for things that I so wanted to pray about. I didn't weep, but deeply, I wept. God in His infinite wisdom spoke and I fell on His feet and worshiped Him.
I recommitted my life to Jesus again that weekend. It's amazing how faithful God is. I'm amazed that He still loved me even when I had sinned against Him countlessly.
he will remain faithful,
for he cannot disown himself.
2 Timothy 2:13
But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense -- Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.
1 John 2:1
There she was, on the front porch of the chapel's steps. She was crying. I went towards her, my right arm over her back. We started talking and while listening to her, I told God, within the depths of my heart, "I don't know what I should do". In our conversation, we talked about Chigusa's struggles: wanting to know more about God, relationships, and studies. She told me her about insecurities and how she wanted to become a Christian but due to so-and-so reason, as well as some fears, she was uncertain about making that decision. If you knew Chigusa as I did, you would have known that she is not somebody that is at all interested in God and under the starry night sky, she told me that she started to believe in God.
I wasn't sure what I should say but I knew that God was talking to her. Actually, a lot of the time in the worship service, she would take out her dictionary to check out a list of Christian words she couldn't understand, such as "grace, blessedness, hosanna and etc". I didn't know what to say to her and yet at that very moment, God gave me the words to provide comfort to Chigusa and, subsequently, ask her if she wanted to invite Christ into her life. To cut the story short, in the end, Chigusa made the decision to pray the sinner's prayer with me.
I am just completely amazed at God's work within me and through me. Seriously, I never would have thought that He would even want to use me to reach out to others. I mean, I've been thinking about myself all this while, and yet God brought me out of that mentality, to think about others. Just imagine if God didn't move me to go to the retreat. Would Chigusa confess Jesus as her Lord and Savior? There is just no words sufficient to tell of what God is currently doing in my life. Great is the love that the Father has for me.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sitting at the other end of the row, I sat down to try to enjoy the music. My black tailor made suit was pale in comparison to the humble attire that my roomy wore. Perhaps to satiate my desire to look like a Korean movie star walking on crimson carpet, I wore my best suit to the recital. Garbed in my pretentious costume, I listened for sounds of enlightenment in the recital hall. Yes, it was great music and oh, how I longed for tears to form. Disappointment hovered over me. I envied Elena.
I realize that it takes a lot to make me feel anything nowadays. The last time that I felt really emotional was the time I left home after summer vacation. The other time was perhaps when I was listening to a song that Ken gave me while admiring the scenery during my train ride from San Diego to Los Angeles .
The strange things that affect our emotions. . . The human psyche is definitely mysterious.
Back to the music-related realm, I played the guitar today for the first time in my life. Young Cinderella handed me her precious guitar over and gave me a free lesson in chords. I could have sworn that my cheeks blushed. Another sign of the inevitable emotions invading the cold Data. And what a song to play too! The Heart of Worship! ☆
*Knocks on head*
Back to work.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
YouTube Treasures
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Speaking of Photos. . .


Friday, September 12, 2008
A little patience goes a long way and waiting for someone brings a smile.
Bumping into a friend of mine at night, I stop by to have a 20 second chat with him only to cut the conversation short by uttering a rude 'excuse me'. Going off to fetch my bike, I decided to drop by a friend's work place nearby to say hi to her. Not realizing that time flew by, I decided to head home. Seated on my bike, I paddled a little before realizing that I've made a friend wait for me. I felt like stabbing myself that very moment when I saw in the dark the silhouette of a meditative Nobuki.
What grace that the friend still remained a friend and not angry, no less. Humbled, I walked him all the way to the library, uttering a smothered-sounding "mate kurete arigatou" (thanks for waiting for me).
Q&A time:
Q: Would I have been so patient, waiting for a friend?
A: Maybe not.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Wonderful Parable

In Walmart yesterday, I decided to splurge a little for movie that my Brother recommended to watch a few months ago. Knowing absolutely zilch about the movie, I took a leap of faith with a little grain of salt (from my trusty and honest friend, Elena, of course!).
After dinner yesterday, we turned off all sources of light and began our adventure. Gosh, it was scary.

Well, just to record my experience without spoiling the show for anyone of you who haven't watched it, the show was a wonderful parable, or at least that was what I thought. The only verse I could think of to sum the message of this parable would probably be Luke 17:33, 'Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.'
Awesome stuff.
Friday, September 5, 2008

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." US Declaration of Independence
Until today, I've always assumed that racial prejudice and discrimination is non-existent in the US (or at least in where I am in). Call me an ignorant, naive or otherwise downright stupid foreign student but I can't really help it, especially when the Americans shower me with more respect than it is due because of my exotic-ness (I hate to admit it, that is the best thing about being international).
Last Wednesday, it so happens that during chapel, the Student Association President (who is African American) stripped his clothings (not to the point of being stark naked, obviously -- he was still clad in his underclothes) to show the point that he like all the other students is human. Well, he could have done it in other ways but this is America, no? Unfortunately, perhaps some people took it differently and the next day, the SA President found a noose on his office table. That sparked the whole controversy in ACU today and perhaps the hoo-hah will not cede until a month or so. In chapel, the whole place was abuzz with local and national news reporters interviewing random students.
Racial issues are sensitive in the US. You just can't drop a noose in a Black man's office. The noose is a symbol of persecution and racial hatred in the US. Back in the days of slavery and even after the abolition of slavery in the US, the method of torturing, if not killing, Black people was by using the noose. So, the noose is viewed as an instrument of prejudice and hatred by the Black Americans. Unfortunately, the fact that one appeared in the office of the SA President is not only depressing but you're just wondering, 'Why?'. It's sickening in this time and age and especially in such a developed nation such as the US that people are so insensitive (what a sick joke, if it actually is) and so repugnant. Worse of all, this is supposed to be a Christian university. Where is love? What is loving your neighbor all about? Dear God, why?
Life and Death Issue
Art introduction class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 am is hardly the subject to get me high in the morning. But today, an artwork that was introduced captured my attention.

It's not everyday that I consistently recognize my own mortality and I guess the danger in doing so is that I waste so much of my life on trivial and vain matters, forgetting what that really means much in life. I mean, people don't just die of cancer and diseases. There are people who just drop dead in the streets. Only God knows when our time is up. Really now, it's time to wake up and realize that each day is precious and that there's a reason why we're even waking up every morning (people do die in their sleep, you know...). So, God, thank you that I woke up this morning. May you help me to live each day as if I'm dying.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sick on the First Week Again???
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Meal Plan C (C for See Huang)
After several days of cooking (actually, no -- more like sweating it out... my house lacks proper air vents, and it's pretty hot right about now) for myself and for a few friends, I have now a list of people to cater food to (hint: I'm getting paid to do this). Dreams of owning a restaurant isn't that impossible now and all I just need to do is to hush up about the whole you-can't-get-no-jobs-if-you're-a-foreign-student-in-the-US policy. Probably the only problem is time and motivation. Well, most other things would probably require those quintessential elements, no?
The semester's starting pretty swell (except for a really stupid class, which I dropped and ain't too happy about doing so...), and hopefully, God willing, I hope I'll be able to sustain myself while catering food for others. Ganbarimasu!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Master Photographer

We're in the middle of Penang and instead of going after the more 'gorgeous' scenes, she went after a beggar in the middle of the market. That says a lot about her, don't you think?
Here's a random photo of me by her. It was traumatizing to pose for her. "Turn your head like so-and-so, hands positioned so-and-so, look so-and-so... HOLD IT!".
PS: It's raining cats and dogs here. I HATE THE RAIN!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Made It Finally!
PS: Elena thought that Ken was Simon and the curly haired one, Ken.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Rejoice, Rejoice!
Had to wake up super early this morning (not that I can sleep actually, cause of the jet lag). Took a train from Solana Beach to LA, which took approximately 2 hours. And of all the seats I took, I took the one which didn't have any windows -- so I couldn't manage to get a glimpse of the 'scenic view' of California. Thank goodness for my precious DS that kept me occupied, though I would probably mention that I used up 1 and a half hours just to kill a boss in FF IV.
Fastforward... I got back to San Diego around 2 pm and this time, I was wiser in choosing my seating. I got the one facing to the sea and the view was gorgeous. Had to thank you Ken for the songs you spared me! Glad that my iPod is no longer J-pop exclusive! When I got back to Elena's brother's home, I was already beaten up and with the jet lag and all, I went straight to bed without any further contemplation.
Evening was the best. After a nice nap, it was time again to get some grub and I was glad that we chose to eat out instead of eating last nite's leftover spaghetti. And this time it was Japanese food. ^_^
Seriously, hands down (hands up and sideways as well) the ramen that I had here is the best that I have ever savored in my entire life. Goes to show that you can't make Japanese food both good and halal at the same time (for those really blur about Japanese food preparation, most of the ramen dashi broth contains rice wine -- and removing that from the recipe just immediately kills the whole recipe... also not to mention that making chicken chashu is blasphemy).
My Miso Chashu Ramen... Hontou ni oishii desu yo!
After all the eating, we decided to go to the Taiwanese market. Truthfully, this is the most EVIL place that I have ever been to. I'm asking myself now, why did I even bother to 'smuggle' in so many things from Malaysia when I can get the all here. Baka!!!
Later throughout the evening, we went to La Jolla Beach. I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
PS: Totally random but Sim, I'm totally missing your hair!!!